Emerita Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri
Dr. Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin

Success Beyond Education
Prof Sharifah Hapsah, Vice-Chancellor of The National University of Malaysia (27 August 2006 – 31 December 2013) was appointed as the Academic Advisor of ICAN College from 1st February 2022.
Sharifah Hapsah received her Medical Degree MBBS from Universiti Malaya (1973) and Master in Health (Personnel Education) from New South Wales University, Australia (1982) and Phd in Medical (1997).
Served as Deputy Director of Higher Education (2000 – 2004) and CEO of the State Accreditation Agency (LAN) instrumental in drawing up the charter of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) which took over the role of LAN.
In the international scene, founder member of the Executive Board of the Association for Medical Education, WHO Western Pacific Region (AMEWPR) and member of the Executive Board of the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP), as well as Global University Network for Innovation and Asia Pacific (Guni – AP). She is also a steering committee member of the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities.
Prof Sharifah Hapsah was inducted as an Assistant Professor at Baylor Medical College, Texas Medical Centre, Houston , USA and an Honorary Associate of the University of New England.
Current President of the National Council of Women ‘s Organisations (NCWO) and has received numerous international recognitions, including the Fred Kartz Memorial Medal and the International Council for Distance Education (COL-ICDE) Award of Excellence.
Emerita Professor Dr. Sharifah Hapsah is committed in ensuring ICAN College delivers excellent quality education meeting specific market needs and trends.